Showing posts with label pimples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pimples. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

BEST COLLAGEN CREAM? | My honest review after using Euclaire's Anti-Agin...

Not all creams are suitable for your skin's picky performance. As a person, you have that genetic trait that is not always compatible with the creams that you use. As an experience, I tried other products that can provide proper nourishment to my skin. Those products from the past failed to impress me because my skin rejects other creams because it further shows dryness on my face. Upon starting to use this product, I noticed that my skin began to show signs of improvement upon using the cream.

I already knew that I have very sensitive skin since I discovered that I developed a mild autoimmune skin disorder, which is eczema. The peak of my eczema outbreaks peaked when I was at the age of 16 to 20. During that time, my skin became very allergic to numerous products. Suffering from this condition made my confidence gradually degrading as time goes by. I always feel the itchiness and dryness of my skin. I am aware that this condition is genetic in nature as it involves an autoimmune response inside my body.

Anti-aging cream
Euclaire's Best Anti-Aging Cream 

What is Euclaire's anti-aging cream? This cream act as a moisturizer for your skin. You can apply this cream to your face and even in your neck area. Before sleeping, I apply this cream after my first cream layers, which are the brightening cream. When I found out that my skin likes this product, I started using it on a regular basis. Like twice a day.

When I first apply the cream in my face, I knew that there is something possible that can happen to my skin. My face did not react or anything after the first application. After a while, I slowly felt the effect of this moisturizer on my skin. Each layer of the skin seems to have a dramatic effect from the nutrient components of this cream. I knew from the start that this is what my skin is looking for a long time. It signals me to purchase more quantities of this cream to my face.

The cream contains collagen, which is a protein structure that is found in our connective tissues. Collagens are abundant in our skin wherein it covers our entire body with exterior smooth epithelial cells and tissues. Another thing that is good about this product is the placenta content, which is another protein substance that is good for the skin. The placenta contains EGF (Epithelial Growth Factor) that enhances tissue growth, making your scars slowly fade away with this product.

So as a verdict for this discussion, I would highly recommend this collagen cream to everyone who wants to make their skin moisturized. With the collagen and placenta content that is highly best for its moisturizing effect, it can definitely make your skin look younger.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

OATMEAL FOR PIMPLES? 3 Benefits of oats to your face and body

They always say that oatmeal is the best for your health because it can nourish your skin with essential nutrients. This food can help regenerate the nutrient balance in your body due to it is a safe and ability to cleanse every system in your body. For many, oatmeal is now a part of their diet routine at any meal time. People who consume oatmeal a day can significantly feel more comfortable due to the benefits of this food to the body.

Most people think that eating oatmeal will not only benefit their internal health. This food can also cleanse your skin's impurities that people do not even know it at all. As oatmeal has the ability to cleanse our body to flush unessential nutrients, the results become impressive to the skin. As you start to eat oatmeal on a regular basis, it can slowly remove impurities and makes your health become interactive.

Oatmeal for your pimples

Three Benefits of Oats to your Body

1. High in fiber that cleanses the digestive system: Oatmeals contains essential fiber materials that are helpful for eliminating all unwanted materials in your body. Once the fiber content reaches your intestine, it softens hardened materials along the walls of the intestines. The mechanism of fiber starts to remove any forms of unwanted chemicals and parasites all the way through the rectum through the process of defecation. Fiber is important to prevent the formation of cancer cells that can shorten our lifespan.

2. Decreases risk for developing heart ailments: Heart disease is one of the main causes of mortality rates in our society. In the Philippines, heart disease is one of the leading precursors of stroke. When eating oatmeal, you will notice that your weight will gradually slow down. Eating oatmeal religiously cleanses the digestive system that can enhance proper absorption of essential nutrients in the body. As an oatmeal eater, my body began to shed fats that are responsible for the low-density lipid production all over the body.

3. Reduces pimple and acne breakouts: Eating oatmeal on a regular basis can significantly cleanse your digestive and circulatory systems. The mechanism of action is to allow the cleansing power of the fiber to cleanse the liver. When the liver rejuvenates, it eliminates unwanted impurity in the integumentary system or the skin. The dirt and free radicals allow the epithelial cells to regenerate, making the skin look fresh. When the body has a clearer skin, it can improve its texture and appearance on a gradual basis.

I highly recommend oatmeal as your everyday meal, especially for your breakfast. After eating it for at least two weeks, you will notice that your bloated abdomen will decrease its size. You will notice that your food cravings frequency starts to decrease even if you are looking at your favorite meal. Oatmeal can definitely make your health improve for both internal and external.

I hope you like my article for a better explanation for the video.